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Netprofiler centralized campaign management

How Netprofiler centralized campaign management, saving 10-15 hours per month

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9% decrease in CPL
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10-15 hours saved monthly
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About Customer
Fast-growing agency focused on online marketing, currently employing 60 specialists
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Amsterdam, NL
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About Customer
Fast-growing agency focused on online marketing, currently employing 60 specialists
Amsterdam, NL
Hunch features used
Campaign efficiency
Challenge // Challenge // Challenge

Manual campaign management created bottlenecks

What’s an agency’s biggest obstacle to success? Inefficient workflows that prevent scaling. Netprofiler faced this challenge.

Every time they needed to set up a campaign, adjust the budget, or modify ad elements like copy, images, or targeting, they had to make these changes manually across all active campaigns. Given the number of changes,  this approach was time-consuming and prone to errors.

Netprofiler was tasked with managing highly targeted, location-specific campaigns for Amslod, a client with 15 locations. 

The campaigns needed to reach potential customers within a 20-25 km radius of each store, while also dynamically adjusting budgets based on local weather conditions. This required precise geographic targeting and the creation of tailored creatives for each location, all while maintaining consistency and efficiency across multiple variables like geography, weather, and content.

solution // solution // solution

Building campaigns focused on several key aspects to drive performance and engagement 

With the introduction of Hunch, the process became significantly more streamlined and efficient. Hunch allows for centralized management of multiple campaigns, enabling Netprofiler to apply changes across all locations simultaneously.

Here’s what approach Netprofiler took: 

Highlighting unique selling points (USPs) in creatives:

Netprofiler's campaigns tell Amslod's story by emphasizing what makes Amslod unique - such as product quality, service, and special offerings - through targeted creatives.

Weather-based budget allocation:

Campaign budgets were dynamically allocated based on local weather conditions near each store. Recognizing that weather is a significant driver of in-store visits, Netprofiler adjusted the campaigns accordingly. Every morning at 06:00, the number of sunlight hours for each specific location was checked. If there are more than 5 sunlight hours forecasted for that day, the campaign would receive the maximum budget allocation. Accordingly, if there are fewer than 5 sunlight hours, the budget would be reduced. 

Focus on brochure downloads:

Data indicates that downloading a brochure is a strong predictor of a potential test ride in the store. Therefore, the campaigns were optimized to encourage brochure downloads, as this action is closely linked to the likelihood of a customer visiting the store for a test ride. By prioritizing this conversion event, they can better target high-intent customers and improve the overall effectiveness of the campaigns.

results // results // results // results

Netprofiler gains more time for strategy while crushing it on the performance side

These are the numbers Netprofiler achieved with Amslod: 

  • 9% decrease in CPL
  • +22% increase in leads
  • 10-15 hours saved monthly

But here’s what goes beyond numbers. 

The biggest win for Netprofiler after partnering with Hunch was the significant improvement in workflow efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks and centralizing campaign management, they saved 10-15 hours per month. This allowed the team to focus more on strategic decision-making and optimization, leading to better campaign performance and a stronger relationship with their clients, like Amslod. 

If you’re looking for more centralized campaign management and workflow automation, give us a call to explore how we can help you. 

Netprofiler centralized campaign management

"‘The use of Hunch demonstrated our commitment to leveraging advanced tools to enhance service delivery, thereby increasing client trust and satisfaction.’‍"

Alex van de Veen
Alex van de Veen
Head of programmatic display & online video