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How to grab your audience's attention with Facebook Dynamic Ads

For today’s performance marketers, the biggest challenge became stopping the endless scroll. In order to do so, marketers are carefully nurturing their target audience. But guess what, you can’t walk the same path as performance marketers in past.

Gen Z is the best example of how putting people into boxes doesn’t do the job anymore, because they are much more fluid with their interests. In fact, research has shown that 91% of 18- to 25-year-olds believe mainstream pop culture is a thing of the past.

Facebook dynamic ads allow you to target a more narrow set of interested audiences which makes them an essential part of retargeting campaigns.

Find out how to leverage Facebook dynamic ads as your next great solution for engaging campaigns.

The most important to know about Facebook dynamic ads

With Facebook’s dynamic product ads, you can create personalized ads for every potential customer that visits your website.

Facebook’s dynamic ads allow you to automatically promote your most relevant products. By leveraging this technology you’ll be able to show the right products to users that have shown interest in them.

Fashion and Friends Levis ad examples
Promote the product while communicating the brand with DPA templates.

The process of making it all work is quite simple: upload the product catalog and set up the campaign all at once. Dynamic product ads will work for you by using up-to-date information about products.

Key benefits

  • Highly personalized ads
  • Focused on products
  • Updated in real-time
  • Optimized for cross-device targeting
  • Highly effective

What is the difference between Advantage + campaigns and dynamic ads

At the beginning of 2022, Meta rolled out the Advantage + campaigns, as the next generation of dynamic product ads.

Advantage Plus is an easier way to set up the campaign because it reduces the number of manual tasks. Advantage + lets Facebook automatically create tailored campaign settings.

When leveraging dynamic ads, campaign creation, ad set, and ad creation are different stages, while with Advantage + these stages are merged.

Should you switch to Advantage + campaigns?

If you are about to enter the world of personalized product ads, Advantage Plus can be an easier option because it requires fewer inputs when creating a campaign and it simplifies audience options.

If you are familiar with more manual settings and detailed inputs when creating a retargeting campaign, you can stick with the options that Facebook dynamic ads give you.

What businesses must use Facebook Dynamic Ads

To put it quite simply: every performance-oriented business that uses product catalogs can benefit from relevant ads focused on their target audience, but some of them can make a great impact with DPA. Facebook DPA is a subset of Dynamic Creative.

When creating dynamic product ads, the step you cannot avoid is creating a Facebook Catalog, which will contain all the information about your products.

There you’ll find types of catalogs from which you’ll pick the one most relevant for your business.

The categories are:

  • E-commerce
  • Travel
  • Real estate
  • Automotive

These four are the essential business types that can make wonders with Facebook dynamic ads. However, to see where stunning DPAs can take you, check out our creative examples.

Each brand that has an online store needs to advertise its products. And if it has dozen of them, without leveraging dynamic product ads, the budget spent on Paid Social will just become one missed opportunity.

G adventures ad examples
Leverage the power of dynamic ads for promoting travel deals.

Who doesn’t get inspired seeing a travel ad that shows its dream destination? These ads are speaking for themselves, so as an advertiser, you’ll just need to give them a little push by making them relevant to your audience. Retargeting campaigns are a must for travel ads because people do need some time to make a decision to visit a new destination.

The same goes for real estate and automotive businesses - retargeting is what moves the needle. Yes, we know that cars are not being purchased online, but they are being noticed - and that’s exactly what you need.

If we’re digging a bit deeper we need to mention delivery, as a business that can have immense success leveraging Facebook’s DPA, alongside all businesses that have franchises all over the city, country, or world.

Tips for creative optimization of dynamic product ads

Dynamic ads are a great way to communicate relevant information to your audience, but if you want to add the brand sparkle and avoid white background for each product consider using enhanced DPA, which will elevate your audience’s experience.

#1 Use DPA templates for different product sets

DPA templates for different product sets allow for grouping similar products and giving them the same creative which will communicate the right message.

Lucardi ad examples
Group similar products and use the same template to showcase them.

This is especially useful for special offerings or seasonal sales. You can create a bestseller product set, prepare the template that will showcase the most important information, and let products and data automatically change inside the template you chose.

This is how you’ll get thousands of relevant and personalized creatives in no time.

#2 Time-based templates

Making contextualized templates will certainly elevate the user experience. Time-based ads are great examples of making location data work for you.

Shapermint ad examples
Create a sense of urgency and elevate the purchase with time-based templates.

One of the most efficient ways to do so is the countdown strategy - mostly used for holidays when campaigns need to stand out the most. The trick is to update the price daily and to make the sales bigger as getting closer to a certain holiday. You can also communicate how many days are left for the offer.

#3 Include reviews in your DPAs

It is not just about avoiding generic white background, it is about using that space to share the information that will sell. Users’ reviews are always a good choice.

Roma ad examples
Showcase reviews as social proof for the product you're selling.

To include reviews in your creatives, first, you’ll need to insert these data into the live product feed. After, create the templates with a dynamic placeholder for reviews, and watch how each product gets its own review automatically.

#4 Turn your DPAs into videos with PLV

Meta has taken the hottest ad format, proven to engage audiences, and brought it to product advertising.

Product Level Video (PLV) allows you to upload video assets directly into your catalog at the product/SKU level, enabling you to reach new audiences with product-centric videos across all Meta placements, including Explore, Reels, and Stories.

The power of PLV lies in its ability to combine high-impact formats with the Advantage+ algorithms, delivering more personalized and high-performing ads. This is best demonstrated with Reels, a video-first format where PLV outperforms images.

#5 On-brand templates

Make the perfect balance by producing on-brand templates that will communicate both the brand and the product.

On-brand templates can be great for new brands that need to combat their share of the audience’s attention, but also they are great for popular brands that want to make eye-catching campaigns.

Grailed ad exmples
Make sure that both the brand and product are highlighted.

You can create different on-brand templates based on different product sets, or you can stick with the campaign.

Leveraging on-brand templates will help you to maintain brand consistency and stay omnipresent.

How to push things beyond the limits with Facebook dynamic ads?

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads provide a more personalized way to reach your customers with advertising. They are a great solution for automated segment retargeting.

Even though dynamic ads are automated, they still need to be carefully monitored and optimized.

That’s where the Hunch steps in.

Leveraging the Hunch platform will let you effortlessly execute your DPA strategy. With the power of both dynamic creative and creative automation Hunch automates the whole process - from choosing a catalog and producing creatives for different ad sets, to launching the campaign.

As a Meta Business Partner, Hunch is absolutely complementary to Meta’s technology, and it will make the whole process as smooth as it gets.

Pick the data you want to show and insert it in a sheet, connect the sheet and Hunch platform, use AI-driven DPA templates for preparing attractive creatives via Hunch Creative Studio, press the button, and watch the magic happen.

Creative intelligence is what makes the difference

Even when your retargeting campaign makes the success you were hoping for, you can’t be sure that you’re going to win next time.

Why so? Because of the lack of insights.

The important part that Hunch allows for is creative intelligence, which means testing your creatives in order to understand what moves your audience. Create thousands of tailored ads with Hunch, freeing up time for strategic planning and hitting performance goals.

Once you get the insights you need, you’ll ensure the next campaign’s success.

Not sure how Hunch can help you but want to dig deeper? Discover how Hunch helped performance agency Adwise achieve 67% rise in ROI with enhanced DPAs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to set up dynamic ads Facebook?

Install the Facebook Pixel on your site to get started. To establish a connection between a webpage and the Facebook campaign, place pixel code on your site (or point recognized conversions back to it). Setup pixels by visiting, clicking 'setup' for Dynamic Ads, and then selecting "Start Installation" from the drop-down menu at the bottom of the page.

2. How to set up Facebook dynamic product ads?

  • Install Facebook Pixel and Add Events
  • Create a Product Feed
  • Set up your Facebook Catalog
  • Create Your Dynamic Product Ads Campaign